The influence of interleukin-6 on the course of ovarian cancer

  • Dorota Gumiela Student dietetic, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Poznań University of Life Sciences,
Keywords: Ovarian cancer, Progression, IL-6


In Poland, in 2015, according to the National Cancer Registry (NCR), cancer was diagnosed among 163 281 people, including 81 632 women and 81 649 men. Ovarian cancer in 2015 affected 3% of women who had cancer. Interleukin 6 is a glycoprotein that consists of 212 amino acids. The gene encoding interleukin 6 is located on chromosome 7 adjacent to the gene LOC541472 and RSP26P32 in 7p15.3. The sources of interleukin 6 include tumor cells and macrophages that are secreted by bone marrow cells as a result of a process in which monoblasts are transformed into the promonocyte in the bone marrow, and the next monocytes into the macrophage in the blood. Scientific evidence points to an increase of IL-6 in blood by about 10 pg/ml in relations to healthy people and the increased expression of the encoding gene IL-6 by 2.2 in cancer tissue in relation to healthy tissue. The authors of the studies carried out so far do not indicate a connection between the concentration of IL-6 in the blood and the size of the tumor according to the FIGO classification, and predict a shorter survival time for patients with an increased level of IL-6. Mutation in the encoding gene IL-6 174 G>C according to the previously collected research results does not affect the patients’ expected life expectancy. There are no research results that would indicate that the mutation in the IL-6 gene affects its concentration in the blood or the level of gene expression that is responsible for its coding.



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How to Cite
Gumiela, D. (2019). The influence of interleukin-6 on the course of ovarian cancer. MicroMedicine, 7(1), 1-4. Retrieved from
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