Contribution to the bryoflora of the Chochołowska Valley in the Polish Tatra Mountains
The paper presents a list of 64 moss species recorded in the Chochołowska Valley (including Wyżnia Chochołowska Valley, Jarząbcza Valley and the surrounding peaks). Detected taxa belong to 25 families. Among them, the most commonly represented are Polytrichaceae (9 species), Dicranaceae (6), Pottiaceae (6), Hylocomiaceae (5), Hypnaceae (5), Grimmiaceae (4), and Bryaceae (4). Mosses were collected from different substrates, but they usually grew on humus (37 taxa), which sometimes covered with a thin layer of granite or limestone gravel. 15 species were found on epilithic habitats, especially on limestone rocks (10), while 8 species occurred on wood or tree trunks. Some mosses occupied synanthropic habitats (6 species). For example, apophytes widely distributed in the lowlands: Tortula muralis, Dryptodon pulvinatus, and Schistidium crassipilum were recorded on the wall near the PTTK shelter on the Chochołowska Glade, whereas an oreoapophyte – Pogonatum urnigerum grew on the path in Wyżnia Chochołowska Valley.
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